Recognizing the dwindling supply at the local food pantries, you are asked to bring 1 non perishable food item to the parish picnic on Sunday, June 12th at the Fireman’s Field located on Beach Street in the Borough. Your donation can be placed in the “clearly marked vehicle” located at the entrance of the park. Your support is appreciated by those who are struggling to buy food for their families! God bless you!
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has chosen June 22nd to June 29th as RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK. Religious freedom allows the Church, and all religious communities, to live out their faith in public and to serve the good of all. We are invited to pray, reflect and act to promote religious freedom which is guaranteed under our county’s constitution but which is being threatened in our secular society.
The Feast of Corpus Christi will be celebrated on Sunday, June 19th with a combined parish event with St. Cecilia Church at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church on East Main Street. The outdoor procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament will begin at 2 o’clock. Young people are invited to serve as acolytes, baldachino bearers, and those who strew flower petals. The young people of the Catacombs Group will also participate by bearing the image of Blessed Carlo Acutis during the ceremony.
The Bishops of the Metropolitan Province of Newark have moved the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord (the 40th day of Easter) from its traditional day of Thursday to the following Sunday, which this year is May 29th. Therefore, this Thursday, May 26th, IS NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION.
The 10th Annual CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD DRIVE will take place in the Diocese of Paterson to replenish the dwindling food supplies at the 3 diocesan food pantries operated by Catholic Charities. Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish has been asked to donate the following items: PANCAKE MIX, PANCAKE SYRUP, SHAMPOO. These items can be brought to Suchon Hall and placed on the designated tables prior to June 18th-19th (Feast of Corpus Christi). Should you like to make a monetary donation for this purpose please go to: You may also write a check payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish with the memo: food drive.