This year’s blessing of pets in commemoration of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi will take place on Saturday, October 2nd here at Sacred Heart of Jesus Churchyard. This ceremony, combining both Sacred Heart Parish and Saint Cecilia Parish, will begin at 12 Noon with Father Pawel and Father Matt officiating.
His Excellency, Bishop Kevin Sweeney is inviting us to participate in a special collection Sunday, September 11-12, to assist those in Haiti who continue to suffer from the recent earthquake and hurricane. Also included in this collection will be assistance to the people of Cuba. The collection will go to Catholic Relief Services and organizations that can assist the Haitian people as well as the Cuban people in their struggle for liberty and emergency relief. Please make your check payable to: SACRED HEART OF JESUS PARISH and in the memo: SECOND COLLECTION.
We have some exciting news to share! Sacred Heart is launching our first ever Family Faith Formation Program in the Fall of 2022. The meetings will happen on the 4th Sunday of the month. Families will attend the 10:00 am Mass and stay for catechesis from 11:00 - 12:00 pm. Please see all the up and coming details on the flyer under our "Faith Formation" tab.