The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted those living in poverty the most and Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson's 3 Food Pantries (Father English Center, Paterson; Hope House, Dover; and Partnership for Social Services, Franklin) are giving out more food than ever before. Most months, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson gives out food to 5,000 - 7,000 people at their 3 food pantries. In April of 2020, this number practically doubled, as they helped over 11,000 individuals who are feeling the direct economic impact of COVID-19. Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Catholic Charities Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes. This year, the drive has gone virtual, and you can shop online and have items directly shipped to Catholic Charities Food Pantries. Visit for more information and visit to find our parish, and shop for our pantries in need. You may also email: [email protected] or call (973) 737-2077 ext.403 with any questions or to donate food directly to Catholic Charities Food Pantries.
Good and gracious God, we stand on the threshold of a new time for our diocese. As we cross that threshold in thankfulness, we ask you to pour out an abundance of grace on our Bishop-elect Kevin Sweeney that he may faithfully assume his ministry among us and that, together with him, we may work for the building up of our local church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
“All Catholic cemeteries in the Paterson Diocese will be open to visitors from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. beginning this Sunday, Mother’s Day, and remain open for visitation every Sunday thereafter. Beginning on Monday, May 11th, visitation will be from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, allowing the public to visit the cemeteries after all interments are completed. This is to allow cemetery staffs the time to handle internments earlier in the day. Those who visit the graves of their loved ones must observe the requirements of social distancing and maintain a group of no more than 10 persons. These changes will remain in effect at each cemetery as long as health and safety regulations are observed.”