Many thanks to all those who participated in last Sunday’s diocesan-wide Corpus Christi Food Collection to benefit the food pantries operated by the diocese in Passaic, Morris and Sussex Counties. - May God Bless You!
COME CELEBRATE WITH US – I cordially invite you to participate in the celebration of our parish feast day, THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, on Friday, June 28th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in Sacred Heart Church on East Main Street. We will begin with Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament followed by the Holy Mass and an outdoor procession. Please join us in this joyous celebration! – FATHER PAWEL BALA, pastor.
The Knights of Columbus, Council 3359, invite you to the “5th Sunday of the Month Rosary” to take place at here at our church on Sunday afternoon, June 30th beginning at 3 o’clock. The praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Holy Rosary will take place with the special intention of all families. All are welcome!
A joint Saint Cecilia and Sacred Heart of Jesus parish’s celebration of Corpus Christi will take place on Sunday, June 23rd. The ceremony will take place at Sacred Heart Church on 63 East Main Street and will begin at 1:30 pm with the Litany of the Most Blessed Sacrament followed by an outdoor procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament. Children are needed to strew flower petals (please bring a basket); altar servers are needed as well. Join us on this festive day in which we honor the true presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.
Due to the unprecedented requests for assistance from Catholic Charities’ food pantries and in order to fulfill our obligations to the poor, Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes andagencies onthe Feast of Corpus Christi, Saturday/Sunday, June 22nd -23rd, 2019. We are all being asked to bring assorted food products on that day. We have been asked to provide pancake mix, syrup & shampoo. Cash/Check donations will also be accepted made payable to Catholic Charities or online at Please mark Saturday and Sunday, June 22 -23 as the food collection day in order to help those in need in our Diocesan communities of Morris, Passaic and Sussex Counties
THANK YOU to all who attended the parish 'Picnic" held in Hayes Hall last weekend. The decision was made to have the picnic indoors since the weather was calling for thunder showers on Sunday until noon on that day when things looked better. At that point it was too late to change things around. Never the less, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Also thank you to all the volunteers who worked on the picnic, your efforts were very much appreciated. Lets hope the weather next year calls for sunny skies.