SAVE THE DATE- The combined Sacred Heart and St. Cecilia Parish Picnic is planned for June 2 at Fireman's Field. The picnic will start with a mass at 12:15 PM at the field and run to around 5 PM. If anyone wishes to volunteer to help out please call the parish office or Jim Gallagher at 973-366-9699. Further announcements will be made closer to the date.
For those we encountered through CRS Rice Bowl, and all members of our one human family, that we all may go forth with courage, bringing the hope of the Resurrection to a world often beset by hopelessness. We pray to the Lord…… Please return you rice bowls by next weekend and put them in the basket in the back of church. Thank you.
Healing Mass: For all who are in need of healing; spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional. There will be a Healing Mass at Saint Cecilia’s Church. Saturday May 18 at 11:00 a.m. This is sponsored by the Christian Care Committee. All are invited to attend.
Divine Mercy Sunday Program: Please join us at Saint Cecilia Church on April 28th from 3 to 4 p.m. for a Divine Mercy Encounter holy hour. We will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, music meditations based on the Diary of St. Faustina performed by Derek Nelson, Steve Babula, and finish with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Multiple priests will be available throughout the program for the sacrament of confession. For more information please contact Jennifer at [email protected]
SAVE THE DATE—MAY 19th—1:30 pm The Sacred Heart Women’s Society will host a Rosary Tea to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary with the Rosary at St. Francis in Denville. The cost will be $20 per person. More details to follow in the bulletin the weekend of May 5th.
The Sacred Heart Confirmation Group would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all of the essentials that were donated! We exceeded any expectation that we originally had. We are able to make incredible donations to the Hope House for various purposes. “God bless you for your generosity, and thank you for supporting our project.”