A Divine Mercy Encounter CD featuring Scripture reading, quotes from the Diary of St.Faustina and songs composed and sung by SH Music Director,Derek Nelson, (with special guests from the SH Choir) are now available for purchase. Each CD costs $15 and half the proceeds will go to support the work of the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy. If you are interested in a copy, please email Jennifer at @[email protected].
Vocations Discernment for young men 15-25. “Quo Vadis – Where are you going?” Where is the Spirit acting in your life? Where is the Lord encouraging you to go? Quo Vadis Days is a time of recreation, fellowship, and prayer to help you explore the Lord’s call in your life. Activities will include prayer, Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary, games, sports, talks, great food, and discussions. It is a time to share our faith and meet other young men seeking God’s will. Quo Vadis Days will be held June 26- 28, 2019 at the Saint Mary’s Abbey Retreat Center in Morristown, New Jersey. There is no cost. For more information and/or registration, contact the coordinators Fr. Edgar Rivera and David Monteleone in the Vocations Office at (973) 777-8818, ext. #711, by email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Women’s Society is collecting Easter Candy to help the less fortunate, the weekends of March 23/24 & March 30/31. They are looking for individually wrapped small chocolate bunnies, crosses plastic eggs, crafts, little toys.
The Confirmation Class is doing a pre-Lent project which will include essentials for those less fortunate. There will be boxes in the entrances to the church to leave any supplies from the following list: new socks for men and women, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, regular wipes, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and shampoos/conditioners. There will also be a can if you would like to donate toward this cause. Whatever supplies are still needed will be purchased. This project was selected after last week’s Gospel when Jesus reminds us to do for others as we would want done for us. In our own backyard, we would like to help with essential supplies. God bless you for your continued support – The Confirmation Class