I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all the parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish who dropped off gifts and who attended the open house at the Rectory last Friday, July 13th . Your kindness and generosity are such wonderful expressions of your love for the Church and the support of her priests.
Today’s Gospel prepares us for the first miracle of the multiplication of the bread. Jesus and the Twelve went away to a deserted place to rest, yet there were many who wanted to hear his teaching that they found a way to get to the place ahead of them. Although the Twelve were tired and needed time alone with Jesus, he was not frustrated or angry because the crowd had interrupted their rest. Instead, he felt compassion toward them because “they were like sheep without a shepherd.” This is probably a reference to the Good Shepherd of Ezekiel 34:15. Jesus satisfied their spiritual hunger by teaching them many things, thus gradually becoming the shepherd of a new Israel, the new people of God.
St. Cecilia & Sacred Heart Parishes Summer Bible Camp had a successful week with over 40 children learning about Jesus with the help of many teens and adults. Thank you to all!
Thank you to everyone who supports our Gift Card and Scrip programs. This past school year, with your help, we raised $30,000 for Divine Mercy Academy through our gift card sales! Cards will still be available for purchase over the summer from the school office during business hours, from the Sacred Heart Rectory, and after weekend Masses when volunteers are available. Purchases over the summer will be credited toward our 2018/2019 fundraising efforts. As always, thank you for your support of Divine Mercy Academy!
A walking pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania will begin August 9th and commence from Saints Peter and Paul Church in Great Meadows, New Jersey. The 60 mile pilgrimage is 4 days and 3 nights. Holy Mass is celebrated daily along with confession, counseling, reflection and fellowship.
On August 11th and 12th, Sacred Heart Church will be hosting Rev. Dennis Kasule, who will be speaking at all of our masses regarding the missionary work being done within the Archdiocese of Kampala, Uganda. Your support will be greatly appreciated to assist the missionary efforts.
The relics of Saint Padre Pio will be present at Saint Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany on Thursday, September 20th from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 7 PM.
Have you been worshiping with us or in another Catholic Parish, but have never officially taken steps to become Catholic? Is another family member Catholic, but not you and you wonder what is the Faith they are practicing? Were you baptized in the Catholic Church, but have not been attending Catholic Mass for some time? Are you seeking a deeper personal relationship with Jesus but have not been baptized, or have not received First Communion, or have not been confirmed in the Catholic Church? Are you dating or engaged to a Catholic person and concerned what the effect of marrying a Catholic would be? Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but just don’t know what the next step is in becoming a Catholic? Are you or your spouse a Catholic, but did not have a Catholic wedding?
Registration for First Holy Communion classes is now open for children of our parish ages 7 to 8 entering 2nd grade in September. Mrs. Lucy Rovegno will serve as the catechist. Classes will begin in October. Please call the rectory at (973)627-0422 for registration and other information.
Attention all graduating 8th grade students, starting high school (Catholic or Public) in September who plan to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, please ensure you register prior to August 15, 2018.
Thank you to everyone who supports our Gift Card and Scrip programs. This past school year, with your help, we raised $30,000 for Divine Mercy Academy through our gift card sales! Cards will still be available for purchase over the summer from the school office during business hours, from the St. Cecilia Parish Office, Sacred Heart Rectory and after weekend Masses when volunteers are available. Purchases over the summer will be credited toward our 2018/219 fundraising efforts. As always, thank you for your support of Divine Mercy Academy!
St. Cecilia & Sacred Heart Parishes Summer Bible Camp had a successful week with over 40 children learning about Jesus with the help of many teens and adults. Thank you to all!
Lifenet thanks the parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus for the donations collected after the Masses the weekend of June 23rd and24th . The $357.00 that was collected will be used to help purchase more “baby feet” magnets and other 2020 Project materials, and thereby reach more of New Jersey’s citizens with information that babies in the womb need to be protected.
I am very grateful to all the people of Sacred Heart Parish for their kindness and support. You really made me feel at home. Thank you for all your generosity and gifts for the Rectory. I am very happy to be here with you. God bless you all! Fr. Pawel
Today Jesus sends His disciples out to preach, teach and heal. Jesus was wise: He sent the disciples out in pairs. Jesus knew as beginning preachers, they would need support. He also realized that the disciples would be more effective if they had companions in this ministry. Thus, He sent them out in pairs.
The Women at the Well meet on the FIRST SATURDAYS of each month. These evenings are meant to serve as spiritual and social refreshment for women. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, followed the Rosary, quiet prayer and ending with dessert and socializing.
A men’s group called FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH will be meeting every other Saturday morning at 5:30 AM in the St. Cecilia Office Building. The sole aim and purpose of the group is to labor for the restoration, revitalization and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what it has been created to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to its Father.
The Morris Catholic HS Baseball Team is hosting a Summer Camp for students entering grades 5 through 9. This camp will be designed to pass on baseball skills and philosophies that are experienced at the High School level.
Pregnant, or need help? Birth Haven-Shelter provides a safe and nurturing environment in which to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term, while additionally helping the resident learn the tools necessary to achieve greater self-sufficiency. Individuals served by Birth Haven-Shelter include both those who intend to raise their child after delivery and those who opt for adoption placement.
St Cecilia and Sacred Heart Parishes Summer Bible Camp “Growing Up Catholic" will be held Tuesday July 17 th to Saturday July 21 st from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Divine Mercy Academy. All children Pre K to 4 th grade are invited to attend.