WALKING PILGRIMAGE—A walking pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania will begin August 9th and commence from Saints Peter and Paul Church in Great Meadows, New Jersey. The 60 mile pilgrimage is 4 days and 3 nights. Holy Mass is celebrated daily along with confession, counseling, reflection and fellowship. For registration and additional information please go to the website: Www.walkingpilgrimage.us/English/pilgriminto.html
VIVERE CHRISTUS EST AWARD – Each year His Excellency, Bishop Arthur Serratelli presents the VIVERE CHRISTUS EST AWARD (Christ is Life) to members of the diocese who perform extraordinary service on behalf of the Church. This year’s award from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church is going to Jack and Pat Zayac. The Zayacs are active within both Sacred Heart of Jesus and Saint Cecilia Parishes for many years serving in various leadership positions. This year’s award from Saint Cecilia Church is going to Diane Boykow who serves as the administrator of Saint Cecilia Cemetery, the facility which serves parishioners from both Saint Cecilia and Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes. Diane fulfills her duties with the greatest of devotion and dedication. The awards will be given at the celebration of Vespers on Sunday, September 9th at 3:30 p.m. in Saint John the Baptist Cathedral, Paterson, with Bishop Serratelli presiding. Our congratulations and best wishes to this year’s recipients.
Randolph-Kiwanis Freedom Parade Come March With Us! Join Morris County Right to Life in the Annual Freedom Parade,12:00 noon—2:00 pm, Saturday, June 30! Parade will begin at Dover-Chester & Quaker Church Rd, continue to Center Grove Rd, cross Rt. 10 and end at the lower lot of County College of Morris, Randolph. Park at the County College of Morris by 11:00 am. There will be a shuttle bus available to drive you to the parade line-up. Wear our pro-life T-shirts or patriotic colors. We will carry our MCRTL banner, pro-life flags, balloons & distribute candy with positive pro-life messages. For the latest info call: 973-933-2800 or email [email protected], follow us on Facebook or visit our web site www.morriscountyrighttolife.org
Through God's Grace, we save babies lives and shelter their young mothers while providing education and ongoing compassionate support services including our Pregnancy Sonogram Center. We further educate young people to make healthy life choices as well as shelter women who are homeless, sick and elderly as we help them to restore their dignity.
Good Counsel is a private Catholic agency whose primary mission is to help homeless pregnant women by providing a loving family environment in a safe and secure shelter. Begun in 1985 by Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Chris Bell, both leaders in the pro-life movement, Good Counsel has grown to five homes in the New York greater metropolitan area. Working closely with the Sisters of Life through our Lumina outreach we have developed an outstanding program of support and healing for those suffering from abortion related problems.
The Morris Catholic HS Baseball Team is hosting a summer camp for students entering grades 5 to 9. This camp will be designed to pass on baseball skills and philosophies that are taught at the high school level. The camp will be held July 17th through 19th , from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Morris Catholic High School.
The Women at the Well meet on the FIRST SATURDAYS of each month. These evenings are meant to serve as spiritual and social refreshment for women. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, followed the Rosary, quiet prayer and ending with dessert and socializing.
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in Convent Station is looking for part-time help at the Motherhouse Reception Desk on weekends. The position includes welcoming guests, signing in guests, answering the telephone and directing calls to sisters or staff. Orientation will be provided, the salary is competitive. For further information, contact Paul Guida, Director of the Physical Plant, at 973-290-5355.
Attention All Graduating 8th Grade Students. If you will be starting high school (Catholic or Public) in September and plan to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, please ensure you register prior to August 15th , 2018.
Registration for First Holy Communion classes is now open for children of our parish ages 7 to 8 entering 2nd grade in September. Mrs. Lucy Rovegno will serve as the catechist. Classes will begin in October. Please call the rectory (973)627-0422 for registration and other information.
Quo Vadis Days in a time of recreation, fellowship, and prayer to help you explore the Lord’s call in your life. “Quo Vadis—Where are you going?” is an exploration of vocations discernment for young men age 15 to 25. Where is the Spirit acting in your life? Where is the Lord encouraging you to go? Activities will include prayer, Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosary, games, sports, talks, great food, and discussions. It is a time to share your faith and meet other young men seeking God’s will.
As we assemble to celebrate the Lord’s Day we mark the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel for today the Lord Jesus uses parables to describe the mystery of the Kingdom of God. He speaks of the very tiny mustard seed which springs forth as a large plant which rivals the trees in making accommodation for the birds to come and take refuge. God sees great potential in that which is small or humble by using it for His greater honor and glory. The Lord Jesus instructs His listeners not to dismiss that which appears to be useless, for God uses such persons and things to be great. The building up of the Kingdom of God is a mystery which occurs as a result of those who avail themselves to God’s grace and cooperate with the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Please join us as we welcome Father Pawel as our new administrator and pastor! We will have a light reception in Suchon Hall on Sunday July 1st after the 10:00 AM Mass
Visit Rome and the Amalfi Coast in 2019: Father Zig is leading a trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast of Italy from September 5th to 14th , 2019. A presentation for all those interested in this trip will be held on Tuesday evening, Sepember 18th in Hayes Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.
Visit Rome and the Amalfi Coast in 2019: Father Zig is leading a trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast of Italy from September 5th to 14th , 2019. A presentation for all those interested in this trip will be held on Tuesday evening, Sepember 18th in Hayes Hall beginning at 7:00 PM.
Beginning on Monday, July 2nd , two morning Masses at St. Cecilia will be offered Monday thru Friday at 6:30 AM and 8:00 AM. On Saturday morning only one Mass will be celebrated at 8 AM.
Volunteers are needed on Saturday June 23rd to help with weeding/gardening around our church. We will be beginning at 9 AM until noon. Even if you only have an hour or two to donate it will be greatly appreciated. Should you like to bring gardening gloves, rake, etc. please feel free to do so.
Divine Mercy Academy, located at 87 Halsey Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 973-627-6003, is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year The school offers a safe, secure and compassionate environment, with a high level of individualized attention, certified teachers, weekly liturgies and daily Religion class, academic curriculum with all core subjects, STEM , physical education, music, art, Spanish and library, with technology integrated throughout the curriculum. Before-care/after-care and extracurricular activities are available. Full Day and Half Day Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 programs start at $2,420 a year. Full Day Kindergarten through 8th grade tuition rates are as follows:
St Cecilia and Sacred Heart Parishes Summer Bible Camp “Growing Up Catholic" will be held Tuesday July 17 th to Saturday July 21 st from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Divine Mercy Academy. All children Pre K to 4 th grade are invited to attend.
Have you been worshiping with us or in another Catholic Parish, but have never officially taken steps to become Catholic? Is another family member Catholic, but not you, and you wonder what is the Faith they are practicing? Were you baptized in the Catholic Church, but have not been attending Catholic Mass for some time? If any of the above questions apply to you, please contact Deacon Paul Willson at 973-551-0749, or leave contact information with the Parish Office. You may also send an email to [email protected] .