Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Diocesan wide food collection in all parishes and agencies on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Saturday and Sunday, June 2nd and 3rd. As our part of the campaign, we have been asked to provide cookies, crackers or facial tissues for Catholic Charities to dispense.. Cash and check donations will also be accepted. If you make a donation, please make your check payable to ‘Catholic Charities’.
We commemorate the Lord’s Day with the Solemnity of Pentecost. Today is the 50th and final day of Easter when we recall the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus who were gathered in the Upper Room. The Evangelist Luke tells us in Acts of the Apostles that it was at 9 o’clock in the morning when “…suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”
On Saturday, May 26th there will be only one vigil Mass at St Cecelia's. It will be celebrated at 4:30 PM. The regularly scheduled 7:00 PM Mass will not be celebrated that day.
The Parish Picnic is planned for Sunday June 10th with a rain date of June 24th . Events will begin with mass at 12:15 PM at Fireman's Field with the picnic following immediately. The Picnicwill continue until 5 PM. Good food and games for the kids are planned and the day will close with the praying of the rosary.
Quo Vadis Days in a time of recreation, fellowship, and prayer to help you explore the Lord’s call in your life. “Quo Vadis—Where are you going?” is an exploration of vocations discernment for young men age 15 to 25.
Holy Mass on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28th will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church at 8:30 AM. There will be no Noon Mass. Holy Mass will be celebrated in Saint Cecilia Cemetery at 9:00 AM. There will be no 8:00 AM Mass. Bring a lawn chair for the cemetery Mass. In the event of rain the Mass will be celebrated in St. Cecilia Church.
The traditional Corpus Christi procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place on the afternoon of Sunday, June 3rd beginning at 2 o’clock in the afternoon at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.
Registration for First Holy Communion classes is now open for children of our parish ages 7 to 8 entering 2nd grade in September. Mrs. Lucy Rovegno will serve as the catechist. Classes will begin in October. Please call the rectory t (973)627-0422 for registration and other information.
Join in the fun on June 2, 2018 at Lewis Morris Park in Morristown, NJ, at The 5th Annual Sisters Of Christian Charity 5k, Run for a Nun. This year there are discounted rates for groups of 5 or more! All proceeds benefit the education costs of those women in initial Formation. To register for the race, sponsor a participant, or to make a donation, visit them online at and click on the vocation link. We hope to see you there.
Good Counsel is a private Catholic agency whose primary mission is to help homeless pregnant women by providing a loving family environment in a safe and secure shelter. Begun in 1985 by Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Chris Bell, both leaders in the pro-life movement, Good Counsel has grown to five homes in the New York greater metropolitan area. Working closely with the Sisters of Life through our Lumina outreach we have developed an outstanding program of support and healing for those suffering from abortion related problems.
The weekend May 19th and 20th is our monthly food collection for the Rockaway Food Pantry. Canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, pasta etc are needed. Thank you for your support.
St Cecilia and Sacred Heart Parishes Summer Bible Camp “ Growing Up Catholic" will be held Tuesday July 17th to Saturday July 21st from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Divine Mercy Academy. All children Pre K to 4th grade are invited to attend.
In our celebration of the Lord’s Day we mark the Seventh Sunday of Easter. In the reading of Acts of the Apostles we hear how the members of the Early Church chose to replace Judas who had betrayed the Lord Jesus. They did so by praying and then by casting lots. Of the two worthy candidates proposed, Barsabbas, also known as Justus and Matthias; it was Matthias who was chosen to join the Twelve in the apostolic office. Prayer assisted the Apostles in making the correct choice.
Congratulations to the following children who received their First Holy Communion here at Sacred Heart on May 6th , 2018 • Lucianna Nelson • Megan Kling • Jeremy Rose.
Divine Mercy Academy, located at 87 Halsey Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 973-627-6003, is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year The school offers a safe, secure and compassionate environment, with a high level of individualized attention, certified teachers, weekly liturgies and daily Religion class, academic curriculum with all core subjects, STEM , physical education, music, art, Spanish and library, with technology integrated throughout the curriculum. Before-care/after-care and extracurricular activities are available.
Join us for Divine Mercy Academy’s 2 nd Annual Golf Outing on Friday, June 15 th , 2018, at the Farmstead Golf and Country Club. The cost of the outing is $120 per Golfer/$420 per Foursome if purchased by May 15th.
Several Sources Shelters. Through God's Grace, we save babies lives and shelter their young mothers while providing education and ongoing compassionate support services including our Pregnancy Sonogram Center. We further educate young people to make healthy life choices as well as shelter women who are homeless, sick and elderly as we help them to restore their dignity.
A men’s group called FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH will be meeting every other Saturday morning at 5:30 AM in the St. Cecilia Office Building. The sole aim and purpose of the group is to labor for the restoration, revitalization and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what it has been created to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to its Father.
The Women at the Well meet on the FIRST SATURDAYS of each month. These evenings are meant to serve as spiritual and social refreshment for women. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, followed the Rosary, quiet prayer and ending with dessert and socializing.
Please join us on Sunday, May 20th, at 1:30 PM to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary with the Rosary at St. Francis Residential Community, located at 122 Diamond Spring Road, Denville. The cost per person is $20, checks can be made payable to ‘Sacred Heart Parish’. Please R.S.V.P: by May 16th by calling Sacred Heart Rectory (973)627-0422, or Monica Profit at 973-983-9510.