Thank you for your generous support last week to the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development! As a parish, we raised $571.00 to support those on margins who are living in poverty in the United States. If you missed the collection, it’s not too late to give! Visit, and click on “How to Give” on the left.
Today we mark the Fifth Sunday of Easter in our celebration of the Lord’s Day. In reviewing both the epistle reading and the Gospel reading for this Sunday the word REMAIN is present within both. This word is used to convey a “communion” or an adherence with something. In the epistle we read:” Those who keep his commandments remain in him, and he in them, and the way we know that he remains in us is from the spirit he gave us.” In the Gospel the Lord Jesus speaks about his oneness with his disciples, “Remain in me as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me.”
His Excellency Bishop Arthur Serratelli will celebrate the 12 Noon Mass on Ascension Thursday, May 10th , in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. This is the 40th day of Easter and commemorates the Lord Jesus’ ascension into heaven, a Holy Day of obligation for all Catholics.
Bishop Serratelli will preside at the Diocesan May Crowning of the image of the Blessed Virgin May on Sunday, May 6th at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin May Church in Wayne. The ceremony begins at 3 PM. Directions can be received by calling our parish office.
Deacon Joseph Boykow is to be ordained to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood on May 26th , 2018. Christ’s faithful are obliged to reveal impediments to Sacred Orders, if they know of any, to the Ordinary or to the pastor before ordination according to the norms of cc. 1043 and 1051, 2 of the Code of Canon Law. If you know of any reason why this man should not be ordained a priest in the Catholic Church, please contact: Bishop Arthur Serratelli or Father Sigmund Peplowski.
Divine Mercy Academy will be presenting "Cinderella's Glass Slipper ", in a four performances. Performances will be held on Friday, May 4th at 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 5th at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM, and Sunday, May 6th at 2:30 PM.
Pope Francis is starring in a new film. Pope Francis is coming to America! Perhaps not in person, but at least in a one of a kind new movie co-produced and endorsed by the Vatican. “Pope Francis-A Man Of His Word” will open in theaters nationwide on May 18th , 2018.
Following the weekday Masses at both Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and Saint Cecilia Church, the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary will be prayed during the month of May.
Zephyr Philip Barbato was baptized at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish on April 7, 2017. We congratulate his parents and godparents. Please pray for Zephyr and his family.
Join us for Divine Mercy Academy’s 2nd Annual Golf Outing on Friday, June 15th , 2018, at the Farmstead Golf and Country Club. The cost of the outing is $120 per Golfer/$420 per Foursome if purchased by May 15th.
Divine Mercy Academy, located at 87 Halsey Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 973-627-6003, is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year The school offers a safe, secure and compassionate environment, with a high level of individualized attention, certified teachers, weekly liturgies and daily Religion class, academic curriculum with all core subjects, STEM , physical education, music, art, Spanish and library, with technology integrated throughout the curriculum.
Good Counsel is a private Catholic agency whose primary mission is to help homeless pregnant women by providing a loving family environment in a safe and secure shelter. Begun in 1985 by Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Chris Bell, both leaders in the pro-life movement, Good Counsel has grown to five homes in the New York greater metropolitan area. Working closely with the Sisters of Life, through their Lumina outreach, they have developed an outstanding program of support and healing for those suffering from abortion related problems.
A new men’s group called FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH will be meeting every other Saturday morning at 5:30 AM in the St. Cecilia Office Building. The sole aim and purpose of the group is to labor for the restoration, revitalization and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what it has been created to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to its Father.
All are invited t0 the Life in the Spirit Seminar, sponsored by the Paterson Diocesan Steering Committee. There are seven sessions for the “Life in the Spirit Seminar” at St Paul Inside the Walls, located at 205 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940. The series starts on April 23rd , 2018 and ends on June 4th , 2018 , and runs from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM. There is no charge to attend
For all who are in need of healing; spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional, there will be a Healing Mass at St. Cecilia’s church on Saturday, May 12th at 11:00 AM, sponsored by the Christian Care Committee. All are invited to attend.
The 5th Sunday Rosary will take place next Sunday, April 29th. We will be meeting to recite the rosary at 3 PM. at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. All are welcome to join us as. We hope to see you then!
Today on this Fourth Sunday of Easter we commemorate “Good Shepherd Sunday”. Each year on this day the Gospel reading comes from chapter 10 of John’s Gospel where we find the Lord Jesus referring to Himself as the Good Shepherd. Indeed He is, unlike others who are not caring of the sheep, the Lord Jesus is the one who has laid down His life for the flock. As a result of His sacrificial love demonstrated in His suffering and death upon the Cross, now risen from the dead, He leads His sheep to the evergreen pastures of heaven.
When a family member is sick and in need of a priest for the sacraments please call the rectory so that a priest will be notified of the request. On the weekends, holidays and evenings after office hours, please call the emergency number (862-251-1229) and leave your name and phone number clearly and a priest will respond.
On Sunday April 29th 2018 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, RISEUP Rockaway will be hosting this year’s Sweet Peace Baking Contest and Tasting. . Amateur bakers of all ages, men women and children, are invited to enter a baked treat for the contest. All dessert items are eligible, including cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, ethnic desserts and dessert bars.
Registration for all religious education classes, Kindergarten through 8th Grade Traditional CCD, 9th and 10th Grade Confirmation, and Generations of Faith, will open on Sunday, May 6th after each of the morning masses in Hayes Hall.