The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents will be meeting on Thursday, April 12, 2018 at St. Christopher's Church, 1050 Littleton Road (Rt. 202), Parsippany, at 7:30 PM in room 101.Program: "Signs, Dreams, and Coping"
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we begin Holy Week with the commemoration of Palm Sunday, which marks the joyous entry of the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem. The Gospels recount this day which began the events leading to the Lord Jesus’ suffering, death and Holy Resurrection. The reading of the Passion Gospel from the Evangelist Mark in today’s liturgy will remind us once again of all that the Lord endured for our salvation.
Monday, March 26th Mass at 12:00 (noon) Chrism Mass at 7:00 pm at St. John’s the Baptist Cathedral The Blessing of oils and the renewal of Priestly ordination vows takes place. Tuesday, March 27th Mass at 12:00 (noon) Wednesday, March 28th Mass at 12:00 (noon) Penance Service at 7:00 pm at St. Cecilia Church The Easter Triduum Holy Thursday, March 29th Evening Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 pm Adoration at the Repository will take place until 9:30 pm Good Friday, March 30th Good Friday Liturgy at 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm Holy Saturday, March 31st Blessing of Easter Food – 2:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 pm Easter, April 1st Holy Mass at 8:30 am and 10:00 am Polish Mass at 11:30 am
The final celebration of the Sacrament of Penance will take place on Wednesday evening of Holy Week, March 28th at 7 o’clock in Saint Cecilia Church. Eight priests will be present to hear confessions for both adults and children. Please mark the date and plan to go to confession before the celebration of Easter.
The Second Sunday of Easter, April 8th is Divine Mercy Sunday, a universal commemoration in the Roman Catholic Church. You are cordially invited to participate in the Divine Mercy service which will begin at 2:00 PM in Saint Cecilia Church.
The nationwide theatrical release of Paul, Apostle of Christ, is opens on March 23, 2018 at the Rockaway 16, located at the Rockaway Townsquare Mall. Produced by Catholic ministry ODB Filmas and starring acclaimed actors Jim Caviezel and James Faulkner, this movie dynamically and truthfully illustrates the beginnings of Christian persecution under the Roman Empire.
Morris Catholic High School is excited to announce the “Array of Hope” is coming to our deanery, at Morris Catholic High School, Friday, April 13th , 2018 at 7:30 PM! “Array of Hope” is a multimedia concert experience that features multiple musical acts, motivational speakers and though-provoking film presentations which joyously provide a counterweight to the negative media surrounding today’s society. It brings Christ’s message of faith, hope and love to its audiences; it celebrates family life and the joy that comes from a relationship with God. Please join us in celebrating an appreciation of family. It will be a wonderful night that you won’t want to miss.
You are invited by Bishop Seratelli to join with him and the priests of the diocese for the Annual Chrism Mass on Monday, March 26th at 7:00 PM in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. Free parking is available in the indoor garage adjacent to the Cathedral. For more information contact Fr. Zig. We need parishioners from St. Cecilia and Sacred Heart to represent Rockaway at this event.
Abstinence from meat (beast or fowl) is to be observed by all Catholics fourteen years old and older on all the Fridays of Lent. This obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products, or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat.
Divine Mercy Academy, located at 87 Halsey Avenue, Rockaway, NJ 973-627-6003, is now accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year The school offers a safe, secure and compassionate environment, with a high level of individualized attention, certified teachers, weekly liturgies and daily Religion class, academic curriculum with all core subjects, STEM , physical education, music, art, Spanish and library, with technology integrated throughout the curriculum. Before-care/after-care and extracurricular activities are available.
The Men’s Society is sponsoring its 2nd Annual Beefsteak Dinner Dance, Catered by Gireri’s Catering, Saturday, April 28th at 7:00 PM in Hayes Hall. More information will be appearing on an insert in a future bulletin. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Ralph DiMarcantonio at 856-952-5657. We hope to see you there!
The Women at the Well, new women's group, meet the First Saturdays of each month. These evenings are meant to serve as spiritual and social refreshment for women. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, followed the Rosary, quiet prayer and ends with dessert and socializing. Registration is required by emailing Jennifer Nelson & Faith Rose at [email protected] with your name, parish and email address. This group is open to those outside the parish as well. Bring your Rosary and a friend!
The Book of Wisdom, do you want to know what wisdom is, and what it isn't? Join the Monday Night Bible Study where the Book of Wisdom will be explored. Drawing on the wisdom books of the Bible, Proverbs, Wisdom, Sirach, Ecclesiastes, the group will examine Biblical Wisdom as it relates to daily life.
The Book of Wisdom Do you want to know what wisdom is and what it isn't? Join the Monday Night Bible Study which will explore the Book of Wisdom. Drawing on the Wisdom Books of the Bible - Proverbs, Wisdom, Sirach Ecclesiastes - we will examine Biblical Wisdom as it relates to daily life. Using the Ascension Press series, we will meet from 7:30PM - 9PM in Hayes Hall (Church basement) from April 9 until June 7. (These dates could change due to study guide delivery)
Today we observe the Fifth Sunday of Lent as we gather to celebrate the Lord's Day. As you notice, the images and crosses in the church are veiled in purple as we enter into the final days of Lent. According to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal we find, "In the dioceses of the United States, the practice of covering crosses and images throughout the church from the Fifth Sunday of Lent may be observed. Crosses remain covered until the end of the celebration of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday, but images remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil." This practice may not be done in all Catholic parishes because the practice is optional. The covering of images in the church is centuries old and conveys the sorrow of the Lord's upcoming Passion.
Come and gather in candlelight for a peaceful, reflective evening of prayer and song on Friday, March 23rd at 7:30 PM in the Gathering Area at St. Clement Roman Catholic Church, 154 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Rockaway Township. All are welcome.
A meeting of all those wishing information and scheduling for a baptism will meet on Monday evening, March, 19th in the Saint Cecilia Parish office at 7 o’clock in the evening.
One of the features of the Lenten season is the praying of the Stations of the Cross which is done every Friday in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and Saint Cecilia Church. The Stations begin on Friday, February 16 th . Stations at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church will take place every Friday evening during Lent at 7 o’clock, with the exception of March 2 nd , due to First Friday devotions, Stations will begin at 6 o’clock.
I ask for your cooperation in returning the Pledge Commitment Card which was mailed to all parishioners. The commitment card was accompanied by a brochure which contained a message by me, information about our ministries and services, as well as a snapshot of our financial condition.