My Dear Parishioners, Today we begin the last week of our current liturgical year. Next Sunday the Advent season and a new liturgical year will begin. The Gospel chosen for this feast of Christ the King is a very solemn reading. It is a reading from the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Once again, this year’s Confirmation Group will be collecting for the Angel Tree; but in a different manner. We will only solicit gift cards, and we will distribute them to Rockaway Social Services (normally who we work with) and the families who lost everything in the Dover fire.
Each year in the Catholic Church throughout our nation a special collection is taken in December for the RETIREMENT FOR RELIGIOUS FUND. The appeal dates for this year are December 8th and 9th . The generous support we have given throughout the years is very much appreciated by the nuns and brothers who depend on this fund to help support them in their old age, especially in regard to health care.
As a result of income tax reform last year, many seniors when filing their tax return may be able to benefit from using the “standard deduction” ($24,000 for married filing joint, $18,000 for head of household status and $12,000 for all others) in lieu of itemizing their deductions.
The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international congregation of Roman Catholic women religious founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan. Together with a diverse network of collaborators, they serve the elderly poor in over 30 countries around the world
The Men's Society will be holding their annual Fish & Chips Dinner Saturday night December 8th in St. Cecilia Hayes Hall from 5 PM to 7 PM. The prices are Adults $16, Seniors $15 and Children $8. Yo can either eat in, or take out. Catering is by Tastefully British. Sign up after all masses or call Jim Gallagher at 973-366-9699, Jack Zayac at 973-625-4572 or Jeff Zuber at 973-983-1272.
As the end of the year approaches, many charitable organizations will send requests for a year end donation. The benefit of these donations to the giver is, in our case, the amount may be beneficial for income tax reporting and having the joy of knowing that your gift is a gift to the Lord.
Participate in the 2018 Holiday Extra Cash Raffle for the benefit of the Divine Mercy Academy. Ticket prices are $20.00 each. There will be five (5) lucky winners. The 1st Prize is 25% of the money collected, 2nd Prize is 10% of the money collected, 3rd, 4th and 5th Prizes are 5% of the money collected. The drawing date is Monday. Dec.17th ,at 8:00 AM. Please purchase tickets at the Rectory, after Mass at Sacred Heart Church, at Divine Mercy Academy’s Office or Via email at [email protected].
The traditional Christmas bread, Oplatek, will be available for the Christmas Vigil Supper, if this is your tradition. The Oplatek may be found on the altar of Saint Joseph, beginning Dec. 1st . An offering for the Oplatek may be placed in the basket located for this purpose.
The musicians at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Church in Paterson are offering an hour long CD of nineteen freshly recorded sacred Christmas hymns with singers from both Broadway and the Opera. The $15.75 donation per CD will be devoted to assisting the homeless and disadvantaged in the Paterson area.
The Women at the Well meet on the FIRST SATURDAYS of each month. These evenings are meant to serve as spiritual and social refreshment for women. The evening begins with a potluck dinner, followed the Rosary, quiet prayer and ending with dessert and socializing.
The 1st night of the traditional novena of Filipino Masses before Christmas will be celebrated at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish church on Saturday, December 15 th at 7:00 in the evening. Fr Cerilo Javinez will be the main celebrant. Fellowship and Filipino refreshment immediately follows Mass.
November is the Month of All Souls. During this month, the Saint Joseph Altar will be the location of the Book of the Dead and where the All Souls envelopes may be deposited. The names of the newly departed who have passed on to eternal life since last November are also displayed there. The names of those inscribed on the All Souls envelopes will be placed on the altar during the month of All Souls and will be remembered at all the Masses.
When you give to a charitable organization, it is important to be confident that the funds are used wisely. Please know that your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports the following causes, our Catholic Charities agencies, seminarian education, our urban elementary schools and our priests’ retirement residence and priests’ extraordinary healthcare needs.
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday, December 12th in St. Cecilia Church and Hayes Hall. The gathering begins with Holy Mass at 7:00 pm. Please take note of the changes.
The musicians at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Church in Paterson are offering an hour long CD of nineteen freshly recorded sacred Christmas hymns with singers from both Broadway and the Opera. The $15.75 donation per CD will be devoted to assisting the homeless and disadvantaged in the Paterson area.
My Dear Parishioners, Today we begin the last week of our current liturgical year. Next Sunday the Advent season and a new liturgical year will begin. The Gospel chosen for this feast of Christ the King is a very solemn reading. It is a reading from the Passion of Jesus Christ.
My Dear parishioners The gospel is a series of contrasts – rich and poor, greedy and generous, arrogant and humble and it is not difficult to guess which of them Jesus is praising. Jesus calls the attention of his disciples on the gesture of the widow, and teaches them where they and we should seek the manifestation of God’s will: in the poor and in sharing. The practice of giving alms was very important for the Jews. It was considered a “good work”, because the Law of the Old Testament said: “Because the poor will never be missing in the country; this is why I give you this command, and I say to you: Always be open handed with your brother in your country who is in need and poor” (Dt 15,11).
The agency provides a safe and nurturing environment in which to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term, while additionally helping the residents learn the tools necessary to achieve greater self-sufficiency. Individuals served by the organization include both those who intend to raise their child after delivery and those who opt for adoption placement. Most residents stay at Birth Haven throughout their pregnancy and up until 6 weeks after the baby’s birth, exceptions are made when it is in the best interest of the mother and infant. Birth Haven is located at 4 Academy Street, Newton, New Jersey 07860 973-579-7979
Polish Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart of Jesus on November 11th . Please join us with your family and friends as we worship God in the Polish Language.