HOLY HOUR TO RESUME – Holy Hour will resume on Monday, September 11th in Saint Cecilia Church from 7 to 8 p.m. During this time a priest will also be available for the sacrament of penance. Please consider spending some quite time with our Lord Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Holy Hour will conclude with the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
ATTENTION ALL INCOMING 9TH AND 10TH GRADE STUDENTS – Confirmation registration is underway for the next school year. Registration forms are available at the rectory, in the back of church, or by contacting Michele Shaffer (973) 625-9274. All candidates who would like to receive the sacrament must be registered by August 31. Second-year candidates must also register. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Shaffer.
Registration for First Holy Communion Classes is now open for children of our parish ages 7 to 8. Mrs. Lucy Rovegno will serve as the catechist. Classes will begin October 1st. Please call the rectory (973-627-0422) for registration and other information.
WELCOME FOR NEW PRIESTS — Plan to join us in welcoming our two new priests, Father Pawel and Father Cerilo at a coffee hour which will take place on Sunday, September 24th following the 10:45 am Mass at Saint Cecilia’s Hayes Hall. The event is being hosted by the Saint Monica Guild.
The Diocesan Commission for Catholic Filipino Ministries (DCCFM) is inviting you to the annual celebration honoring our two Filipino Saints: San Lorenzo Ruiz and San Pedro Calungsod, on September 24, 2017 (Sunday). The highlight of the celebration will be a Mass presided by Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli at 3:00 in the afternoon at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, 381 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ 07505. A “salo-salo”, Filipino reception and fellowship at the Bishop Rodimer Center immediately following the mass. Free parking is available at the multi-level County Garage across from the Bishop Rodimer Center. Please email Elmer Maximo at [email protected] for more information. Thank you.
FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS – Please join us for First Friday devotions on September 1st at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church beginning at 6:30 in the evening. We begin with Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Confession, the Litany to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Mass and the veneration of the relic of Saint Margaret Mary Alaqoue. We will begin a homily series in September addressing each month one of the 12 promises made by Our Lord Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary. Please join us for this blessing!
FIRST FRIDAY VISITS – The priests of our parish visit those who are homebound with the sacraments each month on the First Friday. The visits begin about 10 a.m. and conclude in the early afternoon. Should you like to be included on these monthly visits please call the parish office prior to September 1st.