The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, commonly known as Corpus Christi, will be celebrated on Sunday, June 18th. An outdoor procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place at Saint Cecilia Church beginning at 1:30 PM.
During the weekend of June 17 and 18, during the Feast of Corpus Christi, our parish will participate in a Diocesan-wide food collection for the poor. This collection, sponsored by Catholic Charities and authorized by Bishop Serratelli, will help us offer assistance to those most in need in our Diocesan community of Morris, Passaic, and Sussex Counties.
We are excited to announce the return of our Summer Bible Camp! Our theme this year is "Miracles of Jesus", and we are looking forward to sharing this great message with the children of our parishes. Monday, June 26th – Wednesday, June 28th, 4-6 p.m. Pre K to 3rd grade. It will be held at Divine Mercy School. Please call the rectory to sign up.
With the leave-taking of Easter we re-enter Ordinary Time to commemorate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. This Sunday’s commemoration, as well as next Sunday’s, is a celebration of Christian theology. Today we ponder the very being of God, our God who has revealed Himself in Three Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God is a community of Persons who invites us into this relationship so that we may have a share in His divine life. Those who long for God by living a virtuous life will ultimately experience this union in eternal life. However, even now we can experience union with God, in a different way, through the Eucharist. Every time we participate in the celebration and reception of the Holy Eucharist we enter into the very life of God. We become united with Him and are changed by Him. The Eucharist is the “doorway” by which we enter into the heavenly while still on earth.
Benjamin Bansch was baptized at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish on Sunday, June 4, 2017. We welcome him into our parish community. Please pray for Benjamin and his family.
This annual summer tradition has been a meaningful part of our parish for over 30 years. Our theme this year is "Miracles of Jesus", and we are looking forward to sharing this great message with the children of our parish. Below are some details and the registration form is on the website. We hope that you will consider sending your child to this great experience. Our camp will include games, crafts, snacks, and meaningful lessons from the miracles of Jesus. Interested in volunteering? Contact the rectory to get more information. Join us for faith, fellowship, and fun! Monday, June 26th to Wednesday, June 28th - 4:00 to 6:00 pm - Pre-K to 3rd grade.
With the announced transfer of both Father Marcin and Father Mateusz, a luncheon reception in their honor will take place on Sunday, June 25th in Hayes Hall at St. Cecilia immediately following the 12:15 pm Mass. This will be the final Sunday Mass which both priests will concelebrate in our church. We are asking all those who plan to attend the reception to call the rectory at 973-627-0422 for reservations. We are making this request so that we may have an accurate count for food preparation. Please save the date and don't forget to call for reservations.