The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth cordially invite you to join them for the Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Seton Associate Commitment Ceremony. Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, January 6, 2018, at Holy Family Chapel, Convent Station, NJ, at 11:00 a.m. The Mass will be followed by a light lunch in the study hall of the Academy of Saint Elizabeth.
We gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this final day of the 2017 civil year and the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Today we look intently at the Nazareth home which is the model for all Christian households. From this home we can find the virtues and attitudes which make strong family life and which serves as a school in transmitting the ways of holiness. Saint Joseph, the head of this family, along with his beloved spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, jointly nurtured the Child Jesus surrounding Him with love and faith. Their influence formed the Lord Jesus so that He would be prepared to undertake the work of salvation for which He was chosen. Like all families, this family too experienced challenges and sufferings of which only some are described in the Gospels. Because of their love and faith these forces were defeated.
Come start 2018 off with a brisk dash around Long Valley and support a great cause—St. Mark the Evangelist R.C. Church. St. Mark’s Church is hosting a 5K run on January 1st starting at 11:30 AM through beautiful Long Valley.
The Sacred Heart/Saint Cecilia Rosary Society invites all parish organizations of both parishes to the CHRISTMAS PARTY!! The party will be held on Sunday, January 7th 2018 at 1:30 PM, at St. Francis, Pocono Road, Denville.
For all of us who live in the rectory, Father Pawel, Father Cerilo, myself and Deacon Matt, we thank all those who remembered us at Christmas. Your generosity is truly appreciated and we assure you of our prayers for health and happiness in the New Year. May God bless you! Father Zig
Religious give thanks. A religious sister writes. ”When we see the generous response of so many thousands of persons in order to help us, religious men and women, we are left speechless.” Senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests across the country send heartfelt thanks and prayers for your donation to last week’s Retirement Fund for Religious collection.
In our celebration of the Lord’s Day we commemorate this Third Sunday of Advent which is known as GAUDETE SUNDAY. In the 2018 Ordo we find, “…Gaudete Sunday, so called from the first word of the antiphon at the Introit. Gaudete (meaning “rejoice” in Latin), taken from the Latin translation of Philippians 4: 4-5, sets a tone of joyful expectation for the Lord’s birth and Second Coming, as does the permitted use of rose colored vestments.”
Oplatek, the traditional bread used for the Christmas Eve Vigil Supper, can be found at the side altar in the church. A suggested donation of $2.00 would be appreciated.
Many thanks to Michele and Steve Shaffer and the Confirmation students for arranging for this year’s Advent Tree Project which provides a gift to the needy for Christmas. Their preparation and delivery of the gifts is greatly appreciated. May Christ the Savior richly bless them. Additionally, our thanks also go to Joe Maulbeck for setting up the outdoor crèche in front of the church, and many thanks to Andy Chop for repairing the broken glass in the church. May the Lord shower them all with his blessings.
St. Paul’s Abbey, on Route 206 one mile south of Newton, has thousands of Christmas trees ready to choose ‘n’ cut 7 days a week from November 24 to December 23, 9 AM to 4 PM. They also have the Abbey Gift Shop with many items that make ideal Christmas gifts, including books, statues, jewelry and more.
The Sacrament of Penance will be celebrated for the parishioners of both Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and Saint Cecilia Church on Monday, December 18th at 7 o’clock in the evening at Saint Cecilia Church . A number of priests will be available for confession for both adults and children. All Catholics should approach the sacrament of reconciliation to prepare one’s heart for the coming of Christ at Christmas.
Attention Men, a new men’s group called FATHERS OF ST. JOSEPH will be meeting every other Saturday morning at 5:30 AM in the St. Cecilia Office Building. The sole aim and purpose of the group is to labor for the restoration, revitalization and redemption of human fatherhood, in order that it may become what it has been created to be: an efficacious icon that directs the human family to its Father.
Father Pio Mandato will come to Saint Cecilia Church with a first class relic (stigmata glove) of Saint Padre Pio on Thursday, December 14th 2017. The evening begins with meditation time and the sacrament of penance at 6:00 PM. A service will take place with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, prayer and veneration of the relic at 7:00 PM. Prepare for the feast of Our Lord's Nativity by praying with the spirituality of Saint Padre Pio, the wonderworker of Pietreicina.
The Knights of Columbus Councils 514 and 3359 will be selling Roses for Life at all Masses on December 16th and 17th to fund the bus trip to the 45th March for Life in Washington, DC on Friday, January 19th , 2017. We invite you to join them on the bus trip which will depart at 6 AM from the Gardner Field Park and Ride in Denville.
Our Monthly Food Drive for the Rockaway Food Pantry will be next weekend December 16th and 17th . Canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, pasta, etc. are needed. Thank you for your support.
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this Second Sunday of Advent we hear the words of the Gospel Acclamation: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” In the Gospel we are introduced to the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John whom the Lord had sent ahead of Christ Jesus to announce His coming into the world. With zeal and courage Saint John the Baptist fulfilled his role and ultimately gave his life for the Christ as he witnessed to truth and love.
We are so grateful that you participated in the #iGiveCatholic Giving Day. Together, we raised $2,050 for Divine Mercy Academy! Your support on #Giving Tuesday and throughout the year helps us to continue to provide an academically excellent Catholic education in Rockaway!