Advanced giving for #iGiveCatholic runs through November 26th, with a one-day fundraising drive on #GivingTuesday (November 28th). Please go to, search for Divine Mercy Academy, Rockaway, and support DMA on #GivingTuesday!
We gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day on the last Sunday of the 2017 Liturgical Year and the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. In today’s Gospel reading we are given a glimpse of what Judgment Day will look like. All of us will be together and then we will be divided. The side on which we find ourselves will be determined by the manner in which we lived our lives. The criterion will be the response we had given to those in need. The hungry, the thirty, the naked, strangers, prisoners, the sick; all those we met during our life and how we responded to them will bring us either eternal life OR eternal punishment. The Lord Jesus reminds us that whenever we did or did not give to those in need, we did it to Him, the Lord and Master of our life.
When shopping for your holiday dinners please remember you can purchase gift cards from our volunteers after the masses or at the rectory. We also sell different retailer cards you can purchase for Christmas gifts or Christmas shopping. Thank you for participating in this worthwhile program. If you have not, please give it a try!
Oplatek, the traditional bread used for the Christmas Eve Vigil Supper, can be found at the side altar in the church. A suggested donation of $2.00 would be appreciated.
The annual Diocesan Christmas Concert will take place in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Paterson on Sunday, December 3rd beginning at 4 o’clock. Parking is available in the garage located adjacent to the Cathedral on Grand Street.
Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. As we gather to celebrate the Eucharist on the Lord’s Day the Scriptural texts deal with resourcefulness and good management. The Old Testament reading presents us with a woman who is the ideal wife. She is a blessing to her husband, her family and her community. The manner in which she conducts herself, with wisdom and a work ethic, is lauded with admiration. She does all things well! In the Gospel parable told by the Lord Jesus the servants who invested their master’s money, which yielded interest, are praised by the master while the servant who did nothing with what he was given is condemned. This last one was fearful rather than resourceful. In today’s epistle reading the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that they are people of the day, not of the night, and that they must “stay alert and sober.” The day is designated for labor and activity while the night is meant for relaxation and rest. The Apostle reminds us that we must continue to be engaged in constructive labor as we await the coming of the Lord Jesus in glory. Remaining vigilant also means continuing in our management of temporal affairs. The manner in which we did this will accompany us into eternity.
The Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli, STD , SSL, DD Bishop of Paterson will be the Celebrant, and Rev. Jody Baran, Federation Chaplain, will concelebrate a Respect Life Mass on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at the 10:00 AM Mass at Saint John the Baptist Cathedral, located at 381 Grand Street, Paterson, NJ 07505. This is a wonderful opportunity, please attend.
Save the Date for the Religious Teachers Filippini celebration "An Evening with Sisters." on Monday, November 13th from 7 to 9 PM at the Villa Walsh Convent, Morristown.
Liturgical Publications (LPi) has acquired Parish Pay. As part of the acquisition, all ParishPay online giving websites have been transitioned to LPi’s WeShare online giving service. To access your account, click on the online giving link located on the home page of our website.
Today we mark the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. The Scriptural texts for this Sunday speak of wisdom, the spiritual gift which gives us insights which are not given to all; it provides one with right discernment. Wisdom is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which is conferred at the sacrament of confirmation, along with understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Wisdom is the gift which is associated with King Solomon of the Old Testament who rightly asked for this gift from God not for his own benefit but for the good of the people of Israel whom he governed. The gift of wisdom allowed Solomon to rule over his people with peace and with trust in God.
The grandfriends are a group of women who watch children from 9:15 to11 AM on Thursdays in the parish office while the moms have their bible study in the same building. If you are interested, please contact Cheryl at [email protected] . All volunteers are required to have a background check and have gone through the Protecting God's Children training.
Respect Life Mass Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli, STD, SSL, DD Bishop of Paterson—Celebrant Rev. Jody Baran—Federation Chaplain– Concelebrant Saturday, November 18, 2017—10:00 am Mass Saint John the Baptist Cathedral 381 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505
The Sacred Heart/St. Cecilia Rosary Society Invites all parish organizations of both parishes To the CHRISTMAS PARTY!! Sunday, January 7th, 2018 1:30 PM AT St. Francis, Pocono Rd, Denville All reservations much be made by January 2nd. Cost per person: $25.00 Please make checks payable to the Rosary Society and Send into the office no later than 1/2/18.