Since 1974, National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2017 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.”
Inigo Cadag , an 8th grader at Divine Mercy Academy, has been selected for Seton Hall Prep's Seton Scholar Program and has been granted the Headmaster's Academic Scholarship, based on his scores in the entrance examinations and middle school grades. Inigo has also been selected for Morris Catholic High School's Magna Corda Honors Program and has been granted the Sister Gemma Streit Scholarship, based on the results of the exam, overall academic records, and strong moral character. Congratulations Inigo!
Coming together on “the first day of the week” we celebrate the Lord’s Day and the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The reading of the Holy Gospel at today’s Mass begins with the words, “When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying…” What follows is the teaching on the “Beatitudes”, the call to holiness which the disciples (students) of Jesus are to incorporate into their lives. As disciples, we are LIFE LONG LEARNERS in the ways of God’s Kingdom. The teaching concludes with death. Our learning of God’s ways is to have an impact upon our lives so that we can make a difference in the world. Our witness in society will help to transform it into the city of God.
Congratulations to the winners of the “Keep Christmas” poster contest, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 3359, Denville. The winners were: Wilhelm Knoth, Divine Mercy Academy, Grade K-2 (age 5-7), Gianna Nelson, Sacred Heart Church Rockaway Grade 3-5 (age 8-10), and Erin Welsch, St. Cecilia Church Grade 6-8 (age 11-14). They were each presented with certificates and a $25.00 prize on Monday evening, January 23, 2017.
Sunday. January 29, is the 5th Sunday of the month. Congregants will meet at Sacred Heart Church at 3 PM to recite the Rosary. ALL are welcome. Come join us in this opportunity to experience the faith and fellowship that comes with being a Christian.
Divine Mercy Academy in Rockaway is holding an Open House on Sunday, January 29th, from 10:15 AM to 12:30 PM! Divine Mercy Academy is a Catholic elementary school offering a comprehensive, Pre-K through 8th grade, faith-based, education. Their mission is to provide an academically excellent Catholic education, and to instill within their students the virtues of mercy and compassion, forming them as true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Divine Mercy Academy’s Calendar Raffle is underway! The calendar raffle will feature a total of $5,000 in cash prizes. A winner will be drawn every Friday from February 3rd through June 2nd . Each week the winning ticket will be put back in the drum, so each $10 ticket gives you 18 chances to win! Tickets will be available from our gift card sellers after Masses. Or you can email [email protected] for tickets.
The Knights of Columbus have just received notification from Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right To Life (NJRTL), that due to the severe weather forecast, including heavy rains and high winds, that the Rally For Life, scheduled for tomorrow, January 23rd, at the NJ Statehouse in Trenton, has been cancelled in the interest of public safety.
Matthew 4:12-23 The beginning of the proclamation of the Good News and the call of the first disciples. “... Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. . .He said to them, Come after me…”
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we also observe the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In today’s Gospel reading the Evangelist Matthew tells us about the call of the first Apostles, Peter and his brother Andrew, as well as the two brothers, James and John. The Lord Jesus says to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This call to ministry is especially directed to those called to the sacrament of Holy Orders. Bishops, priests and deacons share in the work Christ had called His first Apostles to undertake in the up-building of His Kingdom on earth. Throughout the Gospel we read how these closest collaborators with the Lord accompany Him and witness the works He accomplishes in word and deed. The Sacred Scriptures tell us that following the Lord Jesus’ Resurrection and Glorification, these men and their successors are authorized to minister in like manner.
Our special collection for Catholic Schools week will take place the weekend of January 28-29 at all Masses. Your generosity in supporting this collection will benefit Divine Mercy Academy, our Catholic School in Rockaway. Catholic Schools have a proven track record for academic excellence and a commitment to service. Together with parishes, Catholic Schools foster a spirit of community and engagement.
Today we celebrate the Lord’s Day and mark the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The second lection for today’s Holy Mass is taken from the beginning of the First Letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. We read: “…to you who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be holy, with all those everywhere who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.” The Apostle reminds not only First Century Christians of their call to holiness but also 21st Century Christians as well. This call is a universal call, one which is extended to young and old alike.
A fundraiser for our Divine Mercy Academy 8th Grade Graduates will be held at Sacred Heart Church in Suchon Hall (church basement) on Friday, January 20th , from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The Dinner includes pasta, salad, beverage and dessert for $25.00 per family (up to 4) or $7.00 per person.
Please join the Women Society for hospitality after the 10AM mass on Sunday on January 15th The weekend of January 14th and 15th is also the monthly food drive for the Rockaway Food Pantry. The food pantry can use canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, pasta, etc.
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. This feast is traditionally observed on the 12th day of Christmas, January 6th, but with the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council now shifts to the Sunday closest to January 6th. This feast is also known as “Little Christmas” or “Three Kings Day”. This day marks the visit of the Magi, Gentiles from the East who came to worship the Christ Child. As the Gospel writer Matthew tells us they were guided to the Lord by following the light of the star which brought them to Bethlehem.
Every week a group of dedicated volunteers clean our church so that the Lord’s House may be in shape for Divine worship. Also, I acknowledge their recent donation to the church renovation fund which totaled $175.00. May the Lord bless them for their generous spirit!
Many thanks to all those who assisted in decorating the church for the Christmas celebration and also to those who assisted at the Masses as Lectors, Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Choir and Ushers. May the Lord richly bless you for the service you have offered in His Name.
We gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this first day of the civil New Year 2017. Today the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. As we consider the Blessed Virgin Mary and her YES to God’s will we know that so many things were unknown to her. The Lord did not reveal to Mary all that she would experience as a result of her YES. The joys and sorrows were all unknown, mysteries which she would experience in God’s own time. The Lord provided her with the strength to accept the plan He established which would win our salvation through her Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Father Marcin, Father Mateusz and Seminarian Matt join with me in thanking all those who remembered us at Christmas. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is so greatly appreciated. We assure you that you will be remembered in our prayers. May God bless you in the New Year!