Today we mark the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. The Scriptural texts speak to us regarding the virtue of humility and the reward of eternal life which is promised to those who incorporate this virtue into their life. The person who exhibits humility wins the esteem of God and men. The humble one always considers the needs of the other before themselves and as a result becomes a servant. This was the manner of our Lord Jesus Christ, “who came not to be served but to serve and to give His life in ransom for many.” This manner of life is always being presented to us for our emulation. Unfortunately so many of us would rather be served than to come to the assistance of those in need. Our selfish attitude is the result of the culture in which we live and that is why Christians must always look to Jesus as the model for Christian living.
Food certificates will be available after the Masses and in the rectory to purchase. Thank you for participating in this worthwhile program. The certificates benefit the Church. If you have not, please give it a try!
Holy Mass on Labor Day, Monday, September 5th, will be celebrated in our church at 8:30 in the morning. The noon Mass will not be celebrated on that day. Also, Holy Mass will be celebrated at 9 o’clock in the morning at Saint Cecilia Cemetery. Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair should you plan to attend. In the event of inclement weather the Mass will be celebrated in the church.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been prayed every Friday during July and August at 3 o’clock in Saint Cecilia Church. This Friday, August 26th is your last opportunity to join us at the “hour of mercy” . Don't miss this great oopportunity.
Stress-proof your family! Go on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend!On a Marriage Encounter Weekend, married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones for 44 hours, and focus only on each other. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can make!
St. Cecilia’s Bereavement Support Ministry invites those who have suffered a loss and who are grieving, to a journey towards healing. A series of six weekly sessions will begin on Wednesday evening, September 14th, 2016 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, at the Parish Office, 90 Church Street (the brick building to the left of the Church); Rockaway, NJ 07866.
he 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time is commemorated as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. The Responsorial Psalm verse we sing today is taken from Psalm 117, “Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” This verse sums up what the Old Testament reading and the Gospel reading addresses, the universal invitation made by God so that all may be saved. All peoples, and not just some, are called by the Lord to enter into a covenantal relationship of love and fidelity. These faithful are witnesses to the Lord’s glory and who strive daily to live the rigors of holiness as God’s sons and daughters. The second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews speaks to us of the discipline God’s faithful must endure in their lives as they shine forth in a world darkened by sin. Living in this world as God’s sons and daughters will guarantee us a place in the Kingdom of God along with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But this will only occur after a faith-filled life and not “lip service” which may be only occasionally offered.
The Human Life Action Center invites you to advocate for good federal laws that defend life and liberty. Human Life Action is a service of NCHLA, which was founded in 1974 by the United States Bishops and works to support the Pro-Life legislative agenda of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Human Life Action tracks federal legislation and then sends out calls to action that go directly to your e-mail inbox.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been prayed every Friday during July and August at 3 o’clock in Saint Cecilia Church. This Friday, August 26th is your last opportunity to join us at the “hour of mercy” . Don't miss this great oopportunity.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to the Ciullo family, Doris McAlister, & Thomas McMahon who all recently registered as parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. We ask that you keep them in your prayers as they grow with us within the life of our parish community.
The Sunrise Rotary Club of Denville and New Jersey Blood Services are sponsoring a ”Blood Drive” at the Saint Francis Residential Community, located at 122 Diamond Spring Road, Denville, NJ; Wednesday, on August 17, 2016; from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please help others, and donate if you can.
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time the Scriptural texts speak of the suffering which accompanies faith. Indeed the Prophet Jeremiah suffers because of his fidelity to the vocation to which God has given him. In the Gospel the Lord Jesus tells His listeners that they will experience upset in their relations with others all because of their allegiance to Him. In the epistle reading believers are encouraged to know that they are surrounded by” a great cloud of witnesses”, the company of heaven who had run the race and now share in the victory of the righteous.
The 2017 Parish Trip will be to Sicily & The Amalfi Coast. Father Zig will again be leading a trip next spring to Siciliy and the beautiful Amalfi Coast, from April 20 to May 3, 2017. Participants will enjoy breathtaking scenery, historic cities, centuries-old hilltop villages and wonderful cuisine.
Crafters and vendors are needed for the Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair at St. Cecilia Church Basement 80 Church Street, Rockaway, New Jersey 07866, on Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 9 AM to 2 PM. For more information please call 973-886-8023.
On Sunday, August 14th we will have a guest priest with us who will speak at the Masses for the annual MISSIONARY COOPERATIVE APPEAL. We welcome Father Paul Ladda from the Diocese of Shinylanga located in Tanzania (Africa). The Missionary Cooperative Appeal is taken throughout the Diocese of Paterson to assist a variety of religious communities throughout the world who are in great need and living in difficult conditions. Our prayers and financial support assist them in their holy work for Christ’s Church program.
Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The refrain for the Responsorial Psalm is BLESSED THE P EOP LE THE LORD HAS CH OSE N TO BE HIS OWN. The Scripture texts for this day tell us about the people the Lord has marked out in a special way because of their FAITH. Faith is that wonderful gift which distinguishes believers from others because it motivates them to trust in the Lord as they put themselves into His hands.
Confirmation sign-up for classes beginning in the fall are underway. All 9th & 10th grade parishioners of Sacred Heart who intend to receive the Sacrament should be enrolled in faith formation. Please download and complete the form on our website as soon as possible, and return it to Michele Shaffer or the rectory.