In the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal, Sacred Heart’s Parish Goal was $15,645.00. The amount of cash received, as of June 30, 2016, was $24,612.00. Our parish received 50% over goal, an amount of $4,483.50. In March, 2016 the Rebate was $4,086.00. The final June, 2016 Rebate was $397.50
The 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time is what we observe as we gather today to celebrate the Lord’s Day. On this Sunday the Scriptural texts present us with the question, what really matters to me? As we ponder this question I occasionally hear, “all you priests talk about is money!” At one time I was very upset to hear such a comment but today I would say, “That’s right, because that what Jesus often spoke about!” In the Gospel for today the Lord Jesus tells the parable about a man who was consumed with possessing “things” and cared little about anything else. All his efforts come to a sad END when his life is unexpectedly concluded and his possessions are unable to save him. Jesus concludes with this warning to us: “Thus Will It Be For All Who Store Up Treasure For Themselves But Are Not Rich In What Matters To God.” The Old Testament pericope from the Book of Ecclesiastes shares similar sentiments stating, “This also is vanity and a great misfortune.”
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we also commemorate the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the second lection for today’s Holy Mass the Apostle Paul reminds us, as he wrote to the Colossians, that through baptism we died with Christ and rose with Him. Through this sacrament we have been united with our Savior. It is He who speaks to us in today’s Gospel passage, “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” The Lord Jesus is telling us that prayer is powerful and that we shouldn’t underestimate its ability to do exactly what we ask.
St. Peter and Paul Church, located at 360 US Highway 46, in Great Meadows, NJ will host a spiritual four day Walking Pilgrimage. It is anticipated that walkers will range in age from infants to people well into their 70’s. You may join our spiritual trip on any day of the journey and participate for any many days as you wish.
Please support our PAINLESS fundraiser to benefit Sacred Heart Church! Sacred Heart Church will be selling food cards after every Mass and in the rectory. For every $100 you spend, Sacred Heart Church will make $5.00. You spend $100, you receive $100 in food cards, it’s that easy!
Can you spare three hours, once a week, as a Birthright volunteer? The Birthright office, located in Hope House, Dover, is open from 10 AM to1 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Please call 973 361-6665 to speak with one of their volunteers to learn about how you can help our mothers and their babies. Thank you!
Have you been worshiping with us, but have never officially taken the step to become Catholic? Are you seeking a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, but have not been Baptized or Confirmed or not received First Communion? Are you married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but just don’t know what the next step is to become Catholic?
There will have a “Clean-Up Day” at Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday, July 23rd beginning at 9 o’clock in the morning and concluding at Noon. All able bodied teens and adults are welcome. Please bring a pair of gloves. Thank you for helping our parish!
Today we rejoice in the Lord’s Day! We commemorate the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Eucharist in the tradition of the Apostles. The Scriptural texts for today speak to us about the power of God’s commandments which should motivate our daily actions. These commandments are the Lord’s invitation to embrace the ways of God so that our lives may be holy as the Lord Himself is holy. God’s word is able to transform hearts and the world in which we live. In today’s Gospel Acclamation we sing: “Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life.” These words taken from the Gospel of the Evangelist John, chapter 6:63, 68, are a statement of faith and they inspire us to apply God’s word throughout our days.
Please support our PAINLESS fundraiser to benefit Sacred Heart Church! Sacred Heart Church will be selling food cards after every Mass and in the rectory. For every $100 you spend, Sacred Heart Church will make $5.00. You spend $100, you receive $100 in food cards, it’s that easy!
Saint Francis Residential Community, an Independent Senior Living Facility, located in Denville, NJ, is having their next Garage Sale on Friday, July 8, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and on Saturday, July 9, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at 18 Pocono Road (new location, near the barn)
Today is the Lord’s Day and the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading for the liturgy we hear about the success which the disciples of Jesus experience in the ministry they perform in His Name. They are excited that the authority the Lord has given them has power over the forces of darkness and that evil is in flight at the mention of Jesus’ Name. The Lord has accompanied them in the work He has called them to perform. The seventy two disciples are engaged in preaching, healing and comforting – the same work which the Lord Himself is involved. His ministry is now their ministry.