Congratulations to Stephanie Turco and Michael Grassano who were married at Sacred Heart of Jesus on October 23, 2016. We pray that they continue to grow in love and faith as they begin their new life together.
Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time as we assemble to celebrate the Lord’s Day. Each week, “…on the first day of the week,” (Luke 24:1) we gather to remember the Resurrection victory of the Lord Jesus over sin and death. Every Sunday is commemorated by us with joy and gladness for we know that one day we too will share in the Lord’s victory. Today’s Gospel Acclamation from John 3:16 states it so beautifully, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life.”
The Women Society will be holding their Annual Coat Drive from November 5th through November 13th. Please bring your donations of coat, boots, hats, gloves to the church basement. All donations will be provided to the Interfaith Food Pantry. For more information, please call Dee at 973-627-1449.
n anticipation of the Feast of the Faithful Departed, All Souls Day , November 2nd, a memorial space will be provided at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary beginning the weekend of October 22. The “Book of the Dead” will be on display. Offering envelopes will be provided so that the faithful departed may be remembered at the Masses for All Souls Day and will be placed on the main altar during the month of All Souls (November). A receptacle for these Mass offering envelopes will be present on the side altar.
Fr. Marcin will be leading a pilgrimage for St. Cecilia & Sacred Heart Parishioners and their friends and family, on November 12, 2016, at 10:00 AM to the Holy Door St. Margaret of Scotland, Morristown.
The Knights of Columbus Rosary is scheduled for next Sunday, October 30th at 3 PM. Please join them at Sacred Heart Church to pray the Rosary. All are welcome
Sacred Heart and St Cecelia’s parishes have received an invitation from Rabbi Charles Popky and the membership of the White Meadow Temple to join them in an interfaith program regarding Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, to be held at the White Meadow Temple located at 153 White Meadow Road, on Sunday, November 6th at 7 PM.
In our celebration of the Lord’s Day we commemorate the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Old Testament and Gospel lections we hear about the significance of prayer. The prayer of the humble and poor is especially pleasing to the Lord who only knows the proud from a distance. The Lord God is moved by the sincerity and faith of His servants who come before Him in prayer acknowledging their sins.
Our parish is in urgent need of ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors. If you feel that God is calling you to be more involved with our parish life, please contact Father Marcin by phone at 973-627-0313 ext.15 or email him at [email protected] Our parish would love to have you!
The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will conduct a Parish Mission for Saint Cecilia Church and Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Monday through Wednesday, November 14-16.
As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we also mark the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Old Testament and Gospel readings for this Sunday direct our attention to PRAYER and its various components. The Sacred Scriptures speak of the significance of prayer in the life of a believer and within the community of believers. Indeed, prayer is both personal and corporate. Both types are important, both types are our tradition as the Sacred Scriptures attest. We know that prayer is ongoing, never should it come to a conclusion but rather it must be persistent. All this is evidenced in the Scriptures and is for our instruction and encouragement. In today’s second lection from the Apostle Paul’s second correspondence to Timothy we read: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
In anticipation of the Feast of the Faithful Departed, All Souls Day - November 2nd, a memorial space will be provided at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary beginning next weekend. The “Book of the Dead” will be on display. Offering envelopes will be provided so that the faithful departed may be remembered at the Masses for All Souls Day and will be placed on the main altar during the month of All Souls (November).
New Jersey Right to Life (NJRTL) Raffle Ticket Sales will be held next weekend, October 15th, 16th, 2016 after all of the Masses. Raffle tickets are $10.00 each
The theme of the 2016 Bishop’s Annual Appeal is “Be Rich in Good Works”. Our Catholic Charities agencies, the largest recipient of funds from the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, serve tens of thousands of people each year, from seniors and disabled adults to those with addictions and in need of counseling. In fact, a record number of people have been seeking the services of Catholic Charities over the years. Please be as generous as you are able to the 2016 Bishop’s Annual Appeal so we can continue to serve those in desperate situations. For your convenience, you can make an online gift or pledge at For additional information, please view the video on the bottom of the front page of our website.
Hospitality is back!!! Please join the Women Society and the congregation for hospitality after the 10AM mass on Sunday, October 16th. Additionally, the monthly Food Drive for the Rockaway Food Pantry will occur on the weekend of October 15th and 16th. Canned goods, cereal, peanut butter, pasta, etc are always generously accepted. Thank you all for remembering to continue to bring food during the summer months. It was greatly appreciated by the Rockaway Food Closet.
Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. We come with thanksgiving “Remember(ing) Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David…”, as today’s second lection reminds us. The gift of Jesus is cause for our joy and gratitude. His suffering, death and Resurrection have won for us salvation. Our faith is also a gift from God which leads us into communion with Him. Faith enables us to move beyond ourselves and into the world of expectation where God is waiting to surprise us with His blessings. Each of us is the recipients of His blessings as we consider that all we have is gift from God. The Lord is the One who endows us with time, talent and treasure so that we might praise Him for His goodness and use them for the building up of His Kingdom on earth.
Fr. Marcin will be leading a pilgrimage for St. Cecilia & Sacred Heart Parishioners and their friends and family on November 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM to the Holy Door at Saint Margaret of Scotland, located in Morristown. If you wanted to receive an indulgence for the Year of Mercy, you should join Fr. Marcin at Saint Margaret of Scotland at 10:00 AM. Adoration and Divine Mercy Chaplet will be conducted at 11:00 AM followed by Holy Mass. Driving Directions will be available. (Get three friends together and carpool!)
Calling All Women Of The Parish! Please join us on Monday night, October 10th at 7 PM in the Rectory meeting room in the basement. The door can be found on the driveway side of the rectory. For more information about our society, please call Claire 973-586-9706.
An insert will appear in the Sunday bulletin in these weeks before Election Day. The insert is provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops which speaks to Catholics regarding our duty to be good citizens and to participate in the election process. The inserts speak to us about our Catholic understanding of having an informed conscience, moral questions and other topics which we should consider as we approach the “ballot box.”