The Knights of Columbus Council Council #514 is holding a Tricky Tray on Friday, September 11 at St. Clement’s Church, located at 154 Mount Pleasant Avenue, Rockaway, NJ.
The Lord’s Day is our weekly observance of Christ’s Holy Resurrection. Today we mark the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. For five weeks we have read Chapter 6 of Saint John’s Gospel which is called “the Bread of Life Discourse.” The evangelist presents the words of Our Savior, which are the source of our Eucharistic theology, our belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The scriptural texts for these past Sundays have provided us the opportunity to reflect upon that, which the documents of the Second Vatican Council call, “the source and summit of our life.”
Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli has designated August as a diocesan-wide Month of Prayer for Those Suffering Religious Persecution. After all daily masses in August we will pray the following prayer:
Father Zig will lead a trip to Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria, April 27 –May 6, 2016. Brochures for this travel will be available within a few days from the parish office (and the church vestibule).
We gather today to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We continue in our reading on chapter 6 from the Gospel of Saint John, “the Bread of Life Discourse.” Once again, unlike the synoptic Gospels, the institution narrative is absent from the Last Supper event in John’s Gospel. But chapter 6 of John’s Gospel gives us so much more regarding our understanding of the Eucharist which the Lord Jesus instituted at the Last Supper on the night of His Passion.
St. Cecilia’s Bereavement Support Ministry invites those, who have suffered a loss and who are grieving, to a journey towards healing. A series of six weekly sessions will begin on Tuesday evening, September 15th, 2015 and be held from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, at the St. Cecilia Parish Office, located at 90 Church Street (the brick building to the left of St. Cecilia’s Church).
Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. The Gospel reading for this day continues from John, Chapter 6, the “Bread of Life Discourse.” This chapter opens with the miracle (sign) of the multiplication of bread and fish to feed the vast crowd which followed the Lord Jesus. This sign becomes the setting from which Jesus instructs His followers regarding the giving of Himself as “Bread from Heaven” which brings eternal life.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, remarked on June 30, 2015, the feast of the Christians martyred under Nero in 64 A.D, that there are more persecuted Christians in the world today, than there were in the first centuries.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which non-Catholics learn and normally enter the Catholic Faith. RCIA is also for baptized Catholics who missed receiving the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation.
The annual walking pilgrimage from Saints Peter and Paul Church in Great Meadows, New Jersey to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania will take place from August 6 through August 9.