As we gather to commemorate the Lord’s Day we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, which is the last Sunday of the 2015 liturgical year. In the Gospel we are taken back to the events of Good Friday and the dialogue between Our Lord and Pontius Pilate. When asked if He is a king, Jesus responds, “My kingdom does not belong to this world.” Yes, the Lord Jesus is the king of the universe who came to invite all into His kingdom so that they might have eternal life.
Sacred Heart School wrote for a cause to celebrate Thanksgiving. They created handmade, heartfelt cards for Project GIVE, an organization that delivers hot meals to home bound seniors on Thanksgiving Day.
Please keep Sacred Heart in mind while shopping for your holiday meals. The purchase of food gift cards, helps support Sacred Heart School. The gift cards are sold after all the Masses and in the school office. Gift Cards also make great stocking stuffers, holiday grab bag gifts, and are ideal for for family and friends gift ideas!!
Sacred Heart School will have an Alumni Reunion on Saturday, November 28th after the 5:00 PM Mass. We hope you will join us for a night of fellowship, refreshments, and going down memory lane, please call Sister Marie at 973-627-7689 no later than November 20th to let us know if you will be attending. Hope to see you there!
Come to an Advent Retreat sponsored by the St. Monica Guild, on Saturday, December 15, 2015 at 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The retreat will be held at Saint. Francis Resort, located at 122 Diamond Spring Road, in Denville.
Coming together on the Lord’s Day we mark the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There is just one more Sunday remaining in the Year of Grace 2015 and as we approach the end the Scriptural texts for this Sunday address the end times. The images in our lections are frightening and disconcerting for some. But these images are just signals which will usher in the coming of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ on the last day, the Day of Judgment.
The Women’s Society is running their annual coat drive from now until November 21. Please bring your new or gently used coats, boots, gloves, mittens, and hats of all sizes down to the church basement. Thank you!!
Please join us for hospitality after the 10 AM mass on Sunday, November 15th. That weekend is also our monthly food drive for the Rockaway Food Pantry.
As we are nearing the conclusion of the liturgical year the Gospel writer Mark presents the account of the poor widow whom the Lord Jesus holds up as a sign of faith. Likewise a poor widow gains the attention of the Prophet Elijah in today’s Old Testament reading. A widow during Scriptural times was in a very precarious situation depending upon the protection and generosity of her nearest relatives. Her state in life was unprotected by society and most widows fell victim to forces which inflicted poverty and suffering.
Once again its time to think snow and hit the slopes. The Rockaway Boro Ski/Snowboard Program rogram starts on Friday, January 8, 2016. Registration forms are available in the School or Rectory Office, Rockaway Borough Hall or on line, through the Rockaway Borough Recreation Department.
The St. Francis Residential Community in Denville offers a wide variety of services for people of all ages. St. Francis is available for parties, showers, repasts and wedding receptions. They also offer services for the elderly such as residential care OR short term stays.
The St. Monica Guild will be holding an Advent Retreat at St. Francis Resort in Denville, NJ on Saturday, December 5, 2015 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The subject of the Retreat is Mary at the Manger and Mary at the Cross
Nazareth Village in Chester is our residence for retired diocesan priests. It is a wonderful place where senior priests live in a community while also helping at local parishes. Your generous support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps support Nazareth Village and is a perfect way to give thanks to those priests who spent a lifetime helping parishioners grow in the faith.
Sacred Heart School will host “Wonderful Wednesdays” beginning on November 3rd. “Wonderful Wednesdays” are designed to allow interested students to experience a day at our school firsthand and to provide personally guided tours.